The third load

The third load of organic mushroom compost was delivered today. The van went down the track and because it’s been so wet, could not get out. After lots of manual pushing, cursing and shoving, we agreed to pull it out with the Kia. In hindsight, it should have been plan A.

Open Garden Limitations

The garden is really a field, near the house. Here are a few things to be aware of.

  • This is a Sanctuary, so please treat it as such, it’s not a commercial outlet. It’s a place to hang out and enjoy the moment. Bring your kind self. To put things in perspective; this has been going a month, and there is only one of me.
  • Covid-19 precautions; Try to keep two meters apart. The media has been flooded with practical advice; just use it.
  • There is limited parking, it would be great if you can walk or cycle. The road has lots of potholes and not ideal for lowered cars with spoilers and scoops.
  • There is no toilet (yet). For those who don’t mind, the “P” bucket is available. The contents go onto the manure pile. There is a secluded area at the side of the shed with a fabulous view. If all else fails, Asda have a loo, as does Queen Margaret Hospital.
  • Vegetable seedlings will be available for sale but don’t expect ‘Garden center’ uniformity, branding or quantities.
    • I’ll not have much change for notes and can’t take a credit card.
    • Bring carrier bags if you’re planning on buying.
  • It’s a little rough around the edges, I know it could be less rustic but it’s not in my nature.
  • It’s been wet for ages so the ground is muddy and can be slippery.
    • wellies, muckers or trekkers are ideal.
    • Wear high heels at your own risk and that applies to the ladies too.
    • There is the odd divot and lump so please take care walking around
  • Kids and dogs are welcome, just keep them under control, on a leash where appropriate and bag and bin any poop.
    • If you bring a bucket, I’ll show the kids how plant a seed potato in compost and you to take home. Big kids are welcome to bring a bucket too.
  • Make-your-own tea and coffee, will be provided with a washing up bowl and paper towels. I’m hoping to make some biscuits too. For those concerned about Covid-19, boiling water has been used for millennia to kill viruses, bacteria and pathogens, there will be wet wipes too.

If you have a concern about coming, there will be more open days and by then things will be a little more organised. Perhaps there may even be a loo in place.

A garden update

My First Donation

It’s a convoluted story but it’s interesting how speaking to people links to other people.

My second Covid jag was yesterday. I was fresh out of the poly tunnel, boots and all. The nurse who was about to inflict pain made light conversation and I told her about the Sanctuary Garden. “Ooh” she said and Carrie told me all about EATS Roysth, they have a community garden and an orchard. They also provide essentials and dry goods. I spoke to Karen who sounded keen to receive anything we grow, because they also provide meals and so would use some of the less shelf stable vegetables in food they prepare.

When I offered my seedlings for the community garden, Karen said that they give the plants away and they go like hot cakes. Today I delivered some seedlings, Chinese Cabbage, parsley, mung beans, mint and Ray’s cherry tomatoes.

What more Tatties?

After planting the last long bed, I had a few more potatoes to plant. Using double bed bases, upcycled by wrapping in black weed fabric to unify the look, I filled them with 5 wheelbarrow loads of compost and planted the ‘last’ of the tatties. I do have a mix of odds and ends that I may plant in another bed, yet to be made. I’ve hundreds of onion sets to plant that I’ve not started yet. Who knows where they will go.

Almost all the compost from the second load is gone!

Bricks ‘n Beer

Today was hard graft. the poly tunnel trench was redug where the plastic cover had lifted, the cover retentioned and the trench filled (properly this time). I then used the budza (adz) to plant two beds of potatoes. I also made some cool plant name holders by slicing up a pallet, drilling a few holes and using bamboo skewers as legs.

Another bed was made, cardboard down, then bricks and filled with mushroom compost. While clearing the space, I found two frogs, so I’ve put them into the raised bed in my poly tunnel. I hope they stay. More bricks were needed so I loaded up the car, bought some beer and called it a day.

Bloody Wind

The wind managed to lift a part of the poly tunnel cover. It’s my own fault because I should have added more weight in trench while I had the chance.

The extended potato beds are filled and I’ve laid out the main crop potatoes. I’ll need at least another bed just for potatoes. I’ve bags of onions that need planting. Fortunately I have another load of compost coming early next week.

I’m going to try something; I know some of you will raise your eyebrows. I’ve a tall cupboard that I’m going to knock out the back of it and used it as a raised bed. I’ll also do the same with the bed bases and the drawers. from a desk. I may wrap them in weed fabric to keep the ‘look’ a little more uniform and less like a junk yard.

Potato Bed No 4

The first delivery of mushroom compost seemed to take about two weeks to arrange. The second load was delivered on the same day. Just shows what giving away cookies can do.

After two loads of bricks about a metric ton, half the compost, delivered yesterday and was saturated overnight; bed four is read for potatoes. Rain stopped play and I planted some Yin Yang bean seedlings into a poly tunnel bed, some folk call them orca beans because of the colours and shapes. It’s a bean bed with white kidney beans, yin yang and runner beans; the latter my least favourite to eat but I was given them.

I was given a kettle and some cups so I’m now good to go when it comes to offering a cuppa. I’ll need to upgrade the ‘P’ bucket to something more suitable for both sexes and numbers. (1 and 2)

Potato Planting

Two beds of potatoes have been planted. I used an adz, or a budza as it is called in Zim, to make light work of planting potatoes. The two beds took roughly 4 bags of potatoes. I’ll need three more beds the same size to plant up the rest of the potatoes!

It’s called an adz here, which is really a wood carving tool. In Zim they were called a bud-za and used all the subsistence farmers

The tomatoes Ray so kindly donated have been potted up; I have about 110 plants that I’ll grow on and sell for funds to build another tunnel.

The Fife Carers Men’s group were invited to have a look at The Sanctuary Garden. Andy, our organiser and leader popped over as did Bryan with his neebor Frank, who is always welcome. That was it. A little disappointing but I can’t dwell on it, I need more compost!

Pot and tools

Over a cup of tea, the number of Ray’s tomatoes came up and the fact I did not want to buy any more plastic pots. Bryan has donated, the entire contents of his greenhouse that included oodles of pots, trays, with bespoke tampers and a hole-maker that looks like a bed of nails. The riddle he’d made is big enough to put a barrow below, had to go on the roof. I’m getting used to looking like the Clampetts when I drive around. All I need is a beatup ol’ hat like Jed.

Sara who placed an advert on gumtree for garden tools. My concern was that I would end up driving for hours to pick up a rusty hand trowel. As it turns out good people have replied; I’ve made a contact who has run a similar project and I’ll setup a meeting to learn from her experience. Irene messaged and donated spades, shovels, forks, rakes, weeders and a hand fork with a long handle.

All kind, generous good people. Thank you.