My First Donation

It’s a convoluted story but it’s interesting how speaking to people links to other people.

My second Covid jag was yesterday. I was fresh out of the poly tunnel, boots and all. The nurse who was about to inflict pain made light conversation and I told her about the Sanctuary Garden. “Ooh” she said and Carrie told me all about EATS Roysth, they have a community garden and an orchard. They also provide essentials and dry goods. I spoke to Karen who sounded keen to receive anything we grow, because they also provide meals and so would use some of the less shelf stable vegetables in food they prepare.

When I offered my seedlings for the community garden, Karen said that they give the plants away and they go like hot cakes. Today I delivered some seedlings, Chinese Cabbage, parsley, mung beans, mint and Ray’s cherry tomatoes.

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