The Sanctuary Garden Chicks on Tour

There are a few I’ve missed and this does not count all the garden visits.

Children ask such interesting questions. My favourite was “what is a chicken’s favourite colour” My mind had red because they peck relentlessly at blood. The drinker is red so I said “red” and pointed at the drinker. Phew…

“How do you kill a chicken?”
“Do chickens really come out of an egg” I’d shown an egg as a comparison to the size of the 3 week old chick
“Can they fly?”
“Can I take one home?”
“Are you going to eat them?”
“How do you make chicken nuggets?”
“Does the rooster like another hen, when he does not like the one he’s with?” This was a 12 year old asking me (I nearly cried)

The disconnect between where food is produced and a packet of processed food, is real.

I love taking chicks to schools; I had no idea how much joy it would bring me. If you would like a visit, get in touch.

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