Turf turns into soil

Two generous families have donated turf to the project. It took two loads in the Sportage loaded to the gunnels. Incorporating some horse manure and covering it up in black plastic to bake for six months will turn it into delicious soil to grow vegetables.

If you know anyone who is about to start a project removing grass, I’ll supply large plastic bags for them to load it into and I’ll take the sod away. Just send me a note. It’s a win-win.

When I was about 10, I learned to drive a half tonne Mazda pickup that had a steering shift. We called open pickups ‘bakkies’ and with my accent it’s pronounced “buck-ies” which probably has a different meaning here with an association to buckfast, a fortified drink. I’ve yet to try but have several bottles dumped at the road end.

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