First Review

Bryan, a friend who is also a carer and diagnosed with MND, came over today. He’s my idea’s man and we are able to bounce ideas off each other and have done since we first met.

He walks with the aid of two sticks and can’t stand for long so is limited to what he can do. BUT, he can plant seeds, having had a garden that outshone the neighbourhood. Today he planted four trays of seed; Two of the Brunswick Cabbage a monster variety that can be bottled as sauerkraut for the food bank. The the other two are parsnip seeds, Bryan was given when he bought his greenhouse from an old dear.

I built more beds and did some of the legwork all the while was gentle banter or ideas on the next phase of the project. When he left to go home, he was buoyed up. “I felt like I’ve done something useful today” “good day” to record a few sound bytes. It’s not just me that feels good after working in the garden.

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