The plant Market, Hillend

My muscles ache today, but in a nice way. The plants are out growing their pots and it looks like I’ve hundreds to pot up. It’s cathartic and repetitive. It also feels like I’ve given the plants a new home, a bigger home. There is a local nursery that has a couple of crates filled with used plastic pots, free to take or add to. They are worth a mention as their plants are fab, this year I’ve added to my mint collection with ginger, orange, strawberry and banana. Their details are: The plant market buy local from locals.

Lynda, our neighbour, brought her brother Garry and his wife, Emma to see the poly tunnel, their reactions were very positive. Thank you for the donation, I hope you like the chilies.

Ray, who donated tomatoes, has been back in touch and has spinach and radishes as well as some long bamboo canes.

I’ve also been offered a poly tunnel cover, no idea what state or the size but I’ll pick it up this afternoon. In my journey to buy the battery I saw a poly tunnel frame, with no cover, in an overgrown garden. I’m going to ask if I can have it.

The new bed needs chicken wire around it; some in ‘stock’ from an old chicken run, probably a decade old. When that is up, I’ll plant swedes, cabbages and onions, if there is space. The weather has turned, as it always does in Scotland, the wind is freezing again but apparently will warm up later this week to a scorching 20C…

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