Helping in the community

Our Saturday workshop went well, numbers are fluctuating; some folks are going away on much needed holidays. We covered transplanting and spent some time discussing Korean Natural Farming (KNF) and we’ll cover that in more detail next week as we did on Wednesday’s course.

A new member of the Saturday group, is delighted with her strawberries and is keen to learn more about gardening. As always, plants were taken home and I later saw a photo of these pots sitting on slabs. I thought perhaps a raised bed would benefit and help keep her momentum going, aid learning and her mental health.

Today it was installed; 6 bags of compost, three of horse manure and a few veggie plants from The Garden, it was all put together and planted up in drizzly weather. My Vietnamese bamboo hat is fantastic for keeping off rain as well as sun.

All the plants will produce something over the summer keeping her interested and eating a variety of veggies.

Broadbeans, artichoke, purple brusselsprouts, lettuces, cabbage, parsley, chives and rosemary. We’ll replace them with overwintering crops when they are done.

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