Made with Rice, Mold and sugar

The organic workshop had to start with the basic understanding that living soils and plant health are critical to good vegetables. Not just pristine but healthy; not just from a plant view point and when considering diet, gut and mental health. They are linked together.

Doing research the most frightening thing is that without soil microbes, all life on this plant would cease to exist. Without microbes plants can’t survive and without plants, well, that’s kinda obvious; no rump steak, chips or beer. I’m making light of a catastrophe.

One way of increasing soil microbes is to lift them from an established area, like a deciduous wood, let them multiply and then store them in bottle. IMO (Indigenous Micro Organisms.) #1 and #2 is the start of the process.

Unfortunately I did not take a photo of the lovely bloom of IMO #1 that had collected. It’s mixed with equal weights of dark brown sugar and allowed to ferment for a couple of weeks, strained and it’s now IMO #2. This is a bottle filled with shelf stable micro organisms that can be added to a bed, foliar spray or compost.

OHN, Oriental Herbal Nutrient takes a little bit to time to make and is now part of the workshop. The process will be split between the two classes. This class hydrated Angelica root with beer, crushed garlic and mixed it with an equal weight of brown sugar. The next class will do the other amendments for OHN, ginger, liquorice root, cinnamon and turmeric if I can find any fresh.

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