Generosity of Individuals

The generosity of individuals is not to be underestimated. It builds community and helps all involved. “How?” I hear you ask. It’s simple – community. We all really like helping others.

This is a perfect example.

Andy, the Site manager, Davie the telehandler driver, Fiona the Sales Agent at Barratt’s Kingslaw Gait have helped donate plasterboard pallets that are turned into raised beds.

Today these pallets were turned into raised beds. Ian and James, my neighbouring Farmers, lent me a huge trailer to collect two loads of pallets. These were disassembled, denailed and built by Aegon’s volunteers. Two beds were built, oiled and nailed and filled. One bed has Brunswick Cabbages – monsters when mature, and another filled with asparagus seedlings.

The team from Aegon left on a high, knowing that in three years there will be asparagus delivered to their offices and took home plums they picked and nutritious fresh veg and eggs for their families. Barratts, because they have done something to help the community, as well as enjoy some of our organic veg.

Ian and James are neighbours and generous so using a trailer was a no brainer.

Here is the most interesting thing, today was a real boost for me; I struggle with depression. The beds that have been made will provide food for local families decades.

There are different sized pallets, and the smaller pallets will be used to make raised beds for nursery schools, families who need them, people who struggle and anyone with an interesting story. The Sanctuary Garden provides the raised bed, the compost and seedlings so the chances of success are high. The feedback from the few donated this year has been incredibly positive. Not because it’s cheaper than the supermarket, but because it makes individuals feel better mentally and physically.

Barratts for pallets, farmers for the trailer, donations to buy compost, a few volunteers and a little work from me.

Thank you all.

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