Rescue hens

The British hen welfare trust organised the distribution of these hens. 20 hens fitted into 7 crates and have settled into the huts and there is not much squawking and fighting. They have some feathers; it won’t take long.

Bird Flu and more hens

Just outside the DEFRA 3km circle and have 20 new rescue hens arriving this weekend The Sanctuary Garden is the red dot in the north, Eats Rosyth, where two hens are spoiled rotten, is in the south. We need to keep an eye on…


We are feeling excited… Things are growing in the Sanctuary – overwintering plants, tiny chicks and… ideas.  Ideas, plans, hopes and dreams for what The Sanctuary Garden could be this year, next year and into the future. Many of you already know that there…

How to make flavoured salts

Little Bugs Outdoor Nursery invited me to do a short presentation to six groups on how to use herbs. It was a great fun sharing how to make really flavourful salts using herbs you can grow in the garden or buy from the supermarket….

Growing the good

Emily Murphy, an author and growing, health, carbon and resforesting evangelist mentioned ‘Growing Good’ in a post. It struck a chord. Emily’s book is an earth manual for fostering biodiversity, rewilding, and regenerating landscapes and food systems. Improve immune function and overall well being,…

Christmas Chick hatched!

This little bundle of fluff appeared in the incubator about 5 days early. The others are waiting until the 29th or beyond to hatch. Looking at the wing feathers, the internet and taking a chance, it’s a hen. Eitherway it’s pretty comfortable around me…

It’s almost Christmas

Making salts is proving interesting, tasty and creative. They are brilliant christmas gifts and next year I’ll go into production and sell them. With the postal strikes, I’m pleased I did not start them this year. The garden has slowed to a standstill and…

Grow West Fife and DandelionScot

Dandelion Scot at Blair Castle on Sunday was a great event hosted by Grow West Fife; freshly made pizza, ice cream, cakes and scones, story tellers, cyanotype prints and kids made plant prints using material and a hammer and they pulled and ate all…

It’s busy in the kitchen garden

There is a misconception that this time of year is spent just harvesting and not planting seeds “nothing grows in winter” I’ve heard many a time. The trouble is, I believed it until I tried planting lettuce and a few others over winter. The…

Are you planting seeds now?

It is all happening. The potatoes, had they been planted at the right time would be ready for harvest; it will probably be another month. The peppers are the first I’ve ever grown. The Sunrise bumblebee tomatoes were gifted me from a grower in…